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Loan requests: unfortunately there is no curator at the moment.

Please return loans to
Prof. Joël Boustie
ESLP, Pharmacognosie&Mycologie
Av. Prof. Léon Bernard 2
35043 Rennes Cedex

Former curator, responsible for this webpage:
Dr. Kristina Articus-Lepage

Since Sept. 2005
Curator of the collection "des Abbayes" at Rennes University, France
2004 & 2006
Course leader of an international course serie in lichenology, Uppsala University, Sweden
PhD thesis at the Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University, Sweden
Feb 27 2004
Thesis defence: Phylogenetic Studies in Usnea (Parmeliaceae) and Allied Genera
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Leif Tibell
Opponent: Dr. Philippe Clerc
Herbarium Assistant Uppsala University.
Curator: Dr. Roland Moberg
Teacher and assistant teacher at Uppsala University
Large Scale Fascility Scholarhip at the NHM London. Supervisor: Docent Mats Wedin
Biology Diplom (Master). Specialisation in plant ecology, pharmacognosy, animal physiology. Würzburg, Germany
Master thesis: The lichen genus Usnea in Southern Sweden. Universities of Uppsala and Würzburg
Erasmus exchange student at Uppsala University, Sweden
Since 2001
Photographer for a calendar about medical plants

Crespo, A., Lumbsch, T., Mattsson, Jan-Eric, Blanco, O., Articus, K., Divakar, P., Wiklund, E., Bawingan, P., & Wedin, M. 2006. Testing morphology-based hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships in Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota) using three ribosomal markers and the nuclear RPB-1 gene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Millot, M., Tomasi, S., Articus, K., Rouaud, I. & Boustie, J. 2006. Metabolites of the lichen Ochrolechia parella according to heliotropic conditions. Journal of Natural Products.

Articus, K. (2004) The phylogeny of Neuropogon and Usnea s. lat. Taxon (53) p: 925-934.

Mattsson, J-E & Articus, K. (2004) The monophyletic groups of cetrarioid lichens. Acta Univ. Ups.Symb. Bot. Ups. 34:1. Uppsala.

Articus, Mattsson, Tibell, Grube & Wedin (2002) Ribosomal DNA and ß-tubulin data do not support the separation of the lichens Usnea florida and U. subfloridana as distinct species. Mycological research (4) p. 412-418

Articus, K. (2000) Artbestämning av långa hängande skägglavar (släktet Usnea) i Sverige. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, p. 81-100. (1896ko)

Thor & Arvidsson (1999) Rödlistade lavar i Sverige-Artfakta. [red listed lichens in Sweden] ArtDatabanken, SLU (book chapter about Usnea)

Department of Pharmacognosy and Mycology - University of Rennes
2, Av. du Prof. Léon Bernard, 35043 Rennes Cedex
phone: +33 (0)0 23 23 48 18 fax: +33 (0)2 23 23 47 04
email: Kristina Articus-Lepage