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The herbarium "des Abbayes"

This database contains ca. 1300 species, searchable under the current nomenclature (Index fungorum 2005-2007) and the original classification of the herbarium. Species only have been listed; the taxa below species level can be found in the herbarium under the species name.
The locality of the specimens is given as well: the country, and for French specimen the official number of the county (departement). One can also see how many specimens per species there are.
The herbarium is arranged by numbered boxes. The number of the box enables the localisation in the herbarium.
The main collection "des Abbayes"

The lichen herbarium in Rennes
Department of Pharmacognosy and Mycology - University of Rennes
2, Av. du Prof. Léon Bernard, 35043 Rennes Cedex
phone: +33 (0)0 23 23 48 18 fax: +33 (0)2 23 23 47 04
email: Kristina Articus-Lepage